Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Toolkit 2: Character Design 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

Week 5

Facial Expressions

On week 5 we explored character expressions and how they can determine personality and convey emotion.
We started with human characters, then anthropomorphic items, and lastly animals.

The explorations with my project:

The protagonist has custom self-made eyebrows for better expression
The nobles change masks to express emotion

Week 6

Props and Sidekicks

As our task we were given a random a certain culture and had to choose an individual, and put it into a sci-fi setting as a sidekick.

Afterwards we were designing a sidekick for our lead character in our projects, regardless if it would show up in the end result.
Here are some more focused first concepts for the protagonist and the sidekick
Sidekick concepts are the mechanical birds in the lower right corner.

Week 7

Setting the Scene

For this we were tasked to choose and analyse the shots and staging of a film or show of our choosing.
I analysed a scene in Carmen Sandiego
Afterwards we had to come up with a chase scene in a randomly assigned location. Mine was airport.

Here's a rough start of a storyboard for my project. Visualising the entrance of the protagonist into the noble's mansion.

Week 8


We were taught about the way to approach perspective and how best to construct it, being 1 point, 2 point or 3 point perspective. We were then tasked to utilize it within one of our own scenes as an animation layout.

Week 9

Production Bible

This week we were taught about the structure and design of a production bible and how to approach it for our own project.
This lead us to the basics of graphic design and we were tasked to design a logo of a randomly given theme and then design a poster for a movie of our choice.

In terms of project, here are the rough sketches and progress with concepts and turnarounds

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